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Ex Al

Updated: May 14

Baltus Rex Reeves was born 19th July, 1885.

Born in Burslem of Stoke on Trent, the boy was born from Irish immigrants post the famine.

As a boy, religion was the pinnacle of his studies, this ultimately however led the boy to have a nervous disposition, yet he found peace through nature and taking time to still his mind in woodlands.

Later, he would spend his time in the library and taught himself to read and write, currently studying mathematics and science while diving more into his religious studies - yet found himself fascinated by the darker aspects of the literature he would absorb.

The war then broke and he was drafted into the trenches - the experience forever changed his outlook on humanity, scarred his anger could boil over and his nihilistic view took over his being.

He began to shape his past time in diving further more into libraries, demonology and his (admittedly) passing interest in alchemy and members of his squad would fear to question him - scared of the answers he would provide to soldiers who would dare to say anything.

He survived and no longer feared hell.

He stayed in France and started to settle within Bohemian Paris, participating in opium dens, the brothels, conspiring with deplorables and priests alike.

In this time he would experience visions and disturbing apocalyptic dreams.

He began to write them and formed what would become the “Gospel of the Heretic” and would share these visions to the ones who would listen.

Listen they did and word began to spread of this blasphemous wannabe cult leader.

His influence was spreading and the orthodox and pious wouldn't allow it.

On the morning of August 6th, 1925 Baltus was murdered and buried in an unmarked grave within the grounds of Montmartre.

But the story did not end there.

Baltus was sent to Hell and was pleasantly surprised by Dante's visions of the nine circles being true.

He was to travel freely as his circle was never finally settled upon and learned more than anyone should know.

He began to climb upwards and broke into his childhood forest.

He was home.

He walked through the fields, clothing himself with anything that he could find along the way and eventually came across four nomads in red robes.

He was handed black mask made of his own skull.

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