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  • carnivwhoremusic

The Captain

Updated: May 14

An honest sailor turned violent pirate stabbed in the back by his mutinous crew, lashed to the

mast to perish in the raging Atlantic. From the depths of the ocean he rises once more with a lust

for revenge against those who left him to die. His decaying heart beats to the rhythm of marching

drums pounding with each step towards his mutinous crew spreading fear from ship to ship as

each crewman suffers the same fate they brought upon him, each more terrifying than the last.

Driven into madness by a lust for rum and gold, the captains cruel tricks and vicious outbursts the

crew, enraged by the whippings and torment, dragged the captain from his quarters, tied him to a

rope and threw him overboard. Begging for mercy the crew continued their mutiny by tying him to

the mast, steering a course towards a raging storm before abandoning ship escaping to shore on

the longboats.

The crew could hear the captain screaming they will meet again and suffer a fate worse than


The raging storm rocked the ship, whipped by frayed ropes, beaten by lose guns, and the eventual

capsizing of the ship saw the end of the captain and his ship. Hitting the sea bed the captain

awoke to a new lease of life after death. Marking the start of his revenge to hunt his mutinous

crew with violence and torture for all who stands in his way

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