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Mad Dog

Updated: May 14

For as long as it can remember, the Mad Dog has walked this earth with no name, no age and no origin.

First dubbed “The Illusionist” for its ability to manipulate its appearance and shape, they were given the name of “The Mad Dog” after taking the shape of the 3 headed dog Cerberus - for which it was cast out by society, where it wondered around the world lonely, unloved and unwanted, they slipped further and further into madness, allowing its poisoned mind to take over.

It started to come into contact with more “people” ; more civilizations to which it was exposed to, it was yet again cast out, but with the poison of the Mad Dogs mind taken over it, it dubbed these people the monsters and from then on any person to cast it out it The Mad Dog would show up anywhere and everywhere to torture their mind untill it deemed them ready for death.

It wandered through the world - from city to city, country to country carrying on the “path of blood”.

From them The Mad Dog was deemed unworthy of life until it came into contact with a manifestation of a consciousness long forgotten,

The Mad Dog was now reborn.

The Mad Dog had come across a child, it too being cast out. The Mad Dog took the form of a stray animal that befriended and protected the abused child, not realizing that the child itself was a form of their conscious come to life, all the while wishing for freedom and acceptance.

The Mad Dog, unaware that the illusion in front of it was nothing more than a conscious come to life, proceeded to help the child escape its hell of abuse, and went back, vowing revenge.

This led it to burning down the church that housed the abused child and many others, that night the Mad Dog ended up taking many lives and ended up being cast into hell to rot for eternity for crimes it believed it had justified.

As it was, the Mad Dog was unable to be kept in only one circle of hell, with its ability to manipulate its shape it could slip from circle to circle.

This is where The Mad Dog met Baltus, a man that hell could never settle on one circle to place him into, so he was able to travel freely from there the man dog was able to help guide Baltus and itself out of hell.

As they would re-enter the world, they would be separated but The Mad Dog would not be alone for long, as it would find the clown of a circus that would finally not cast it aside and accept it into their family.

Finally after being on its own for so long, The Mad Dog had found a place it belonged.

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